Friday, 30 November 2018

"Shooting Stars" in "Suspense Unimagined" - Out Today!

Have just found out that Suspense Unimagined - which contains my 5000+ word short story "Shooting Stars" - is out today.  It is available from Amazon UK here or direct from the publisher, here.

Friday, 9 November 2018

Reading at "Worcester Speakeasy" Thursday 8th November 2018

So, another reading done with the good folks at "Worcester Speakeasy."  When booking my slot I rather stupidly forgot to give my pen-name so was listed under my real one, but the MC, Suz Winspear, knows me and announced me as "Burr", so it was all good.

I only had 6 minutes so I performed "The Chaotic Butterfly" and "Genuine Photo" (which was originally published in A Cache of Flashes in 2016).  Both seemed to go down well, although one audience member did seem confused and said he had no idea what I was on about.  So, success!

I'm also hoping to attend Stourbridge's spoken Word event, Permission to Speak, at Claptrap the Venue next month, although that will mainly be as an audience member and just to get the lay of the land and to see if it's the sort of night where I would go down well.  Hopefully, that will mean expanding out beyond Worcester.  Then there is also a night in Wolverhampton and several nights in Birmingham I want to check out.

Who would have thought I'd get so into performing when I hate public speaking so much and my idea of Hell is being an actor on stage?  Then again, being able to read and not having to rely on my blown short-term memory is, of course, an advantage.