Thursday, 17 December 2020

Reading tonight at "Wordcraft"


I'll be reading "Gimp World", a story which was originally published by Horror, Sleaze, Trash at the Wordcraft spoken word event tonight.  Run by Staffordhsire Poet Laureate, Emily Galvin, Wordcraft normally operates in the Birmingham area.  I've been hoping to check them out for a while now but had never gotten round to it.  Now everything is online though, I managed to attend their last night and will be appearing at tonight's event, which is run live through Wordcraft's Facebook Page.  While I much prefer live Readings in real venues, the one bright spot about the pandemic and the resulting shut-down of venues, is that I've managed to find the time to branch out from my usual haunts and make contacts that I had wanted to make for a while but never had the time or energy to actually initiate.

It starts tonight at 7:30pm (GMT) at: 

Friday, 11 December 2020

"British Bizarro Book Fair" - 19th - 21st December 2020


Following on from the successful US Bizarro Book Fair a few weeks ago, the weekend of the 19th to 21st December sees the launch of the British Bizarro Book Fair,  a virtual book signing event with Madeleine Swann, Jay Slayton-Joslin, Duncan Bradshaw, Dani Brown, Luke Kondor, Peter Caffrey, Bill Davidson, Chris Kelso and myself.

From the organiser:

"How it works: On the day of the event, will host our 9 authors at their "tables" (pictures of tables really). Click on an author's table to learn what they have for sale and how to buy from them."

Find more details here: