Wednesday, 12 May 2021

"Genuine Photo" Radio Adaptation date announced


Just heard back from OMF Theatre with confirmation of when the radio adaptation of my flash story "Genuine Photo" (originally published in A Cache of Flashes and which was also shortlisted for the 2016 Worcestershire Literary Festival Flash Fiction Competition) will be broadcast.  It will be broadcast as part of the Barmy Nonsense radio sketch show on Liskeard Radio on 3rd/4th July.  It may also be uploaded onto OMF Theatre's YouTube page at some point after broadcast.

But until then, here is a reading of the story to tide you over..... 😉

Friday, 7 May 2021

"Hard Times Happen" anthology now out.


My copy of the Hard Times Happen anthology arrived today.  The publisher states that "this anthology seeks to encourage everyone to be more open about their mental state, to talk, to listen, to change lives." Containing both poetry and prose, the book was published in association with Worcestershire LitFest and Fringe to help raise awareness of mental health issues.

The book doesn't appear to be available on Amazon yet, but it can be bought direct from the publisher, Black Pear Press, for £7.99 + P&P.