Saturday, 7 December 2024

(Very!) short story published in "42" anthology

I have a (very!) short story published in a new anthology entitled 42, editted by Bam Mullin.  The unique selling point is that it is 42 stories of 42 words each in each of 42 genres,  In addition, the titles are composed of 42 characters and the author biographies are 42 words.  

42 is available at Amazon here.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024

Short Play shortlisted in competiton.


A short play based on the two flash pieces "Nanny Knows Best" and "Nanny Knows Best - Epilogue" (both of which can be found in my second collection, Nanny Knows Best), has been shortlisted by Broken Arts Entertainment's Future Audio Fiction podcast.  This apparently means it is now in the Top 50 out of more than 250 entries.  

Finalists will be announced by the end of next week.

Fingers crossed!

Tuesday, 27 February 2024

Live reading at "42" - Script Haven, Worcester



It's been way too long since I last updated this blog.  Possibly as - as periodically happens - I've been so busy with work that I haven't really had the chance to focus on creative endeavours.  Maybe, at some point, when I have more time, I'll go into a bit more detail of what I've been up to.  But in the meantime, here is just a quick announcement that I'll be reading a flash piece at "42" tonight at Script Haven, Worcester (104 High St).  I'll be reading a currently unpublished piece called "A Common Writing Whereby Two People, Although Not Understanding One the Other's Language, Yet by the Help Thereof, May Communicate Their Minds One to Another."  Catchy, eh?

The title comes from Francis Lodwick's 1647 manuscript on creating an alphabet which makes any language understandable to people of other languages.  This one is notable as I have had the idea for a while but I wasn't able to translate it into an actual story - even a surreal flash piece - and so I used AI as a writing aid.  Now, I have mixed feelings about AI.  In general, I feel it will be a negative force, not because of terminator-style AIs rampaging about hunting humanity, but because of its impact on employment.  It has the potential to destroy whole industries in a way that even the First Industrial Revolution did not manage to do.  Similarly, from a creative point of view, AI is currently not good enough to be a genuine danger to writers - its prose style is too mechanical and "Janet and John"-y and frankly I am amazed that so many people have attempted to use AI to write stories which they have then attempted to publish!  However, as a creative writing aid, I think it holds a lot of promise.  Like "automatic witing" or group collaborations where people write a sentence then pass the story on so someone else can write the next sentence, and various other "creative games," I think AI may be useful in potentially triggering ideas or even coming up with ideas which can then be adapted.   And that was exactly the case here - I fed the AI some prompts with varying instructions then saw what it came up with.  Obviously, much of the prose was basic rubbish, but a couple of drafts did come up with some plot directions I had not envisioned.  Combining these two ideas lead to this unwritable story finally coming together in a way I could actually write.

I'll be reading it tonight at 7:15pm.  

Saturday, 8 July 2023

All 35 of Philip K. Dick’s science fiction novels, ranked

Interesting list.

I tend to agree with the Top 10, albeit not the order.  I've always found "Do Androids Dream...?" to be a bit overrated, and Flow My Tears.... at only at number 5?


Still, it does remind me that such is the range of Dick's work that even I still have a few novels left to read.

Wednesday, 28 December 2022

Drabble Published in "Trembling With Fear: More Tales from the Tree, vol 3"


Somehow I completely missed the publication of this!  Hardly surprising perhaps, as it is only 100 words long.  However, my very short story (or drabble as they are apparently sometimes known) was published by "Trembling With Fear" in their collection "Trembling With Fear: More Tales from the Tree, vol 3 back in 2020.

The anthology is available from Amazon and is worth a purchase as it does contain a lot of great short horror fiction.  But for those of you who just want to read my contribution (and who wouldn't?) it can also be found on the Trembing With Fear website, here -

Monday, 11 April 2022

"Nanny Knows Best" epilogue published at "Going Postal" today


As part of a promotional push for Nanny Knows Best, "Going Postal" is publishing the top and tail stories of the collection - the "Nanny Knows Best" prologue and epilogue, with the epilogue being published tonight.

Get your taster for the collection by reading the final story in the collection, here:

Nanny Knows Best is available from the publisher here:

Nanny Knows Best is available fromAmazon UK here:

Nanny Knows Best is available from Amazon US here:

Monday, 4 April 2022

"Nanny Knows Best" published at Going Postal


As part of a promotional push for Nanny Knows Best, "Going Postal" is publishing the top and tail stories of the collection - the "Nanny Knows Best" prologue and epilogue, with the prologue being published tonight.

Get your taster for the collection by reading the first story in the collection, here:

Nanny Knows Best is available from the publisher here:

Nanny Knows Best is available fromAmazon UK here:

Nanny Knows Best is available from Amazon US here:

Monday, 28 March 2022

First Review for "Nanny Knows Best" at "The Modern Custodian"


The first review is out for Nanny Knows Best and can be read in full at "The Modern Custodian"

"Nanny Knows Best is the finest short story collection I have read since Benjamin Weissman's Headless and twice as smart. [...] "Burr is a satirist of the first order, the type of cat who takes aim at everything in sight, from the laziness of our leisure-obsessed culture and the ineffectual nature of government employees to the ways in which we all delude ourselves in order to survive, and he does it all with a nonchalance befitting a seasoned showman."

Read the full review here:

Available from the publisher here:

Amazon UK:

Amazon US:

Monday, 21 March 2022

It's out!! Second collection - "Nanny Knows Best" now available!


It's finally out!  From Hybrid Sequence Media comes my second collection, Nanny Knows Best.  Featuring stories previously published in the likes of Bizarro Central, Trembling With Fear, Horror Sleaze Trash, The Bumper Book of British Bizarro, decomP, Ellipsis, The Ginger Collect, Reflex and The Wild Word, Nanny Knows Best is a full collection of my shorter/flash fiction to date.  Over 26 published stories condensed into its tight 111 pages!

Available from the publisher here:

Amazon UK:

Amazon US:

Sunday, 13 February 2022

Two story Collection taster now available from Godless

 My second collection "Nanny Knows Best" is out on March 20th from Hybrid Sequence Media. Available today is the two story taster from Godless, "Gimp World/Porno Park." For $0.50, who could ask for more?

Buy it here:

Monday, 20 December 2021

Possible final designs for "Nanny Knows Best"

 Finally got the provisional final designs through from Alexi K .  Just got to get it all cleared by the publisher and we should all be set.

Personally, I'm really happy with it. Love the NHS iconography - I suspect that will have an air of sinister horror in years to come that is suitably fitting for a collection of absurdist/Bizarro horror fiction.

Tuesday, 14 December 2021

New Story published at "Going Postal"


The publication of "Like The Bird in the Tree" over at Going Postal is a bit of a mixed bag, coming as it does on the very day that Vaccine (soon to become "Freedom") Passports were voted in.  Originally intended as a satire of the Smoking Ban, it has sat on my computer for years (along with many of the other State of the Nation stories), waiting to be edited.  Sadly, my editing process is notoriously slow anyway as I like to pretty much forget the story before returning to it with fresh eyes.  I then do this several times, each "sweep" hopefully improving and polishing the story as I go.  Sadly this process is so time-consuming it seems that the world has caught up with me.  Indeed, when reality surpasses a dystopia you imagined only a handful of years ago, you know the world has gone truly insane.  

That said, on re-reading the story it became apparent how prophetic it was, from the use of lying media to conduct psy-ops on the public, to the malign influence of MSM and Big Tech, to the gullibility of the majority who accept what they are told without question, their morality becoming victim to their new programming from above.  Indeed, much of State of the Nation, originally intended as satire on the various aspects of British life is now quaintly out of date and now only really of value as a memento mori of the last 15 years or so, as we saw what was coming but did nothing to stop it.  It is depressing that as we march relentlessly toward the fetid swamps of globalist social credit scores and the like, a collection of "dark, satirical dystopian stories" is now just a reminder of a better, freer time.  Worse, they are something that we can look towards with envy.

Enough, now.  Please read, "Like the Bird in the Tree" at Going Postal.

Monday, 6 December 2021

More promo images / Wallpapers for "Nanny Knows Best"

 Courtesy of Alexi K, here are a few more promo images / wallpaper designs for Nanny Knows Best.  Final cover still in the works.

Monday, 29 November 2021

Preliminary / Draft Cover and Poster designs for "Nanny Knows Best."

 Courtesy of artist and designer Alexi K comes a few preliminary draft cover designs for Nanny Knows Best.

And also some rough ideas for promo posters....

And other assorted branding.....

Tuesday, 26 October 2021

Reading at "42" - 26th October 2021


Just attended 42, Worcester's genre fiction spoken word event.  The Halloween Special is always one of my favourite 42s, but even though some people were dressed up as witches and so on, it didn't quite have the same feel as when it is in person and there are suitably spooky decorations spotted about.  Some great stories and poems tonight, some spooky and spectral in the traditional Halloween sense and some more intimate and toying with more personal horrors.  I was completely off-theme of course, as I wanted to run "Porno Park" past an audience, as it is the only story in my upcoming collection that hasn't been published elsewhere.

It went down really well, both in online comments and afterwards (luckily I was the last performer before the break so there was plenty of time for feedback).

Performing online is certainly handy as I am more likely to go after a long day at work.  And a record of the reactions and feedback is also nice to have.  That said, I do miss standing on stage and hearing a live audience reaction as you read.  Hopefully we will get back to those sorts of evenings soon.