Sunday, 1 November 2015

Another new reading on "Radio Wildfire."

As is often the case, I've been drowning in work for the last couple of months (money-work, not the good kind), so my creative output has dropped to nil.  The ol' bank account is swelling impressively, which of course is always better than the alternative, but it's still frustrating to have no time to do anything creative, especially after experiencing a nice little upsurge during the summer.

However, the last of the summer's flash-fiction pieces, part of my initial experimentation with readings that make use of multi-track recording and sound effects, will be read on Radio Wildfire's 2nd November broadcast from 8pm to 10pm (UK time).

The piece is "Nanny Know Best," the opening story that, like "BobandJane" in The Ugly Stories, acts as a top-and-tail to the whole collection.

Tune in and let show host and editor, Dave Reeves, know what you think.

I've really enjoyed doing these, though.  Not just writing the actual stories which I was pleased to see come together with very little effort, but also with the final results of the recordings (even if I was somewhat limited by a poor quality mic and royalty-free music and SFX).  It has got me fired up to do more live readings although, as is always the case, finding the time to fit such activities in around my current work load will undoubtedly be tricky.

Anyway, readers of this blog can hear "Nanny Knows Best" on YouTube, right here, right now.  The link was in my last post but just in case you came across this post from a random Google search, you can find the reading here.