Tuesday, 29 June 2021

Reading of new story at "42"


Completed a new story this week called "Scoby Snacks" about a kombucha scoby that continues to expand and grow until it overwhelms the world.  Or something like that.  So as I was fairly happy with it, I decided to debut it at 42, the Worcester Horror and SF Spoken Word night.  42 is still online on Zoom at the moment and while this has its postives (being able to have a drink being one, as is a reduction in nerves, although this has never been a major issue for me) I still much prefer performing live.  That said, one other positive of the online experience is a written record of people's comments rather than just people coming up to you at the end of the night.

I'm pretty happy with "Scoby Snacks" and it is already being sent out for publication.  Still, if the comments are anything to go by, it should go down well.

Friday, 11 June 2021

Worcestershire Litfest & Fringe Flash Fiction Slam


Just competed in my first Slam competition at the Worcestershire Litfest & Fringe Flash Fiction Slam.  I knew everyone else who was competing and my initial reaction was "Oh great!"  That said, I managed to work my way through the various rounds until I got the Final and, after the whole thing was done and dusted, I came second.

Overall, a great experience and am looking forward to competing in future spoken word competitons.

Sunday, 6 June 2021

Story accepted by "Horror Sleaze Trash."


I have a new story up now at Horror Sleaze Trash.  Another pandemic inspired story, I originally wrote this in while I was on a Kundalini Yoga retreat in Serifos. Unfortunately, I had bad gastritis that would see me hospitalised within 24 hours.  Not a great holiday, as I eventually ended up pulling my own IV out and escaping, Colditz-style past groups of guards patrolling dimly lit corridors in the middle of the night, as the medical care in Athens hospital was so bad.

Still, at least I got this story out of it so, you know.  Silver linings and all that....

Read "Porno Park" here.