Tuesday, 13 July 2021

Second short story collection accepted for publication!

At last!

Finally, some good news!

Have just found out that my second short story collection, a collection of all my flash and shorter fiction to date, has been accepted for publication by Hybrid Sequence Media.  Provisionally titled Gimp World - Collected Flash 2021, the collection is slated for early Spring 2022 release and has the following contents:

Nanny Knows Best – Prologue                                        – originally published in The Wild Word
A Fresh Perspective                                                            - originally published in Bizarro Central
The Man in the Street                                                        - originally published in decomP
Genuine Photo                                                                    - originally published in A Cache of Flashes
(Shortlisted for the 2016 Worcestershire Literary Festival Flash Fiction Competition).
The Chaotic Butterfly                                                        - originally published in Bizarro Central
MWC ISO RL                                                                      - originally published in Wired
(Shortlisted for the 2017 Worcestershire Literary Festival Flash Fiction Competition).
A Cerebral Vacation                                                           - originally published in Trembling with Fear
The Last English Speaker                                                  - originally published in Trembling with Fear
Marks on a Page                                                                 - originally published in Wired
Gimp World                                                                         - originally published in Horror Sleaze Trash
The Creative Game                                                            - originally published in Bizarro Central
BobandJane – A fable in two indistinct parts                 - originally published in Raw Edge
Casanova Jones – A tale of the near future                     - originally published in The Jar Thief
The Girl Within                                                                   - originally published in A Cache of Flashes
The Friend We Made                                                         - originally published in Bizarro Central
HUMOUR-CHIP™                                                           - originally published in The Ginger Collect
The Pub Fight                                                                     - originally published in Bizarro Central
Invisible                                                                                - originally published in Reflex
The Hole in the Wall                                                          - originally published in Cabinet of Heed
AUTHORSOFT™                                                             - originally published in Ellipsis
It                                                                                           - originally published in Planet Prozak
And From the Heads of Babes                                         - originally published in Horror Sleaze Trash
Celebdaq                                                                             - originally published in Trembling with Fear
Nanny Knows Best – Epilogue.                                       - originally published in The Bumper Book of British Bizarro

I'm especially pleased with this as not only is Hybrid Sequence Media a real up-and-comer in the Horror/Bizarro scene with over ten titles published in 2020, but I had originally signed a contract for Gimp World to be published by Nihilism Revised in the Autumn of 2020, but this was cancelled due to the unfortunate ill health of the publisher (who I sincerely hope is recovering and feeling better now....).  Of course, this left me in the situation of needing to find another publisher and I felt that I was supremely lucky to get one deal - would geting a second be pushing my luck?

Thankfully, it appears not!  So, many thanks to Donald Armfield and Hybrid Sequence Media for accepting this one.

More news as it happens.

Wednesday, 7 July 2021

Flash Adaptation performed by OMF Theatre broadcast last night.

An adaptation of a short flash piece - "Genuine Photo" - was broadcast by OMF Theatre on Liskeard Radio last night as part of Episode 6 of its second season of Barmy Nonsense.  The episode has now been uploaded to Youtube (see above).  "Genuine Photo" starts at 10:40.