Friday, 4 September 2009

Reading on "Radio Wildfire", Monday 14th September 2009.

It look like I'm doing a reading for West Midlands Arts' Radio Wildfire on Monday Night. It'll only be a shortey (don't know what I'm doing yet) but it'll be broadcast on Monday 14th September between 20:00 and 22:00.

This will be a bit of a coming home for me as Radio Wildfire is hosted by, and is the baby of, Dave Reeves, the guy who published my first story, "BobandJane", waaaaay back in 1997 in Raw Edge Issue 4. Coincidentally, not only did they publish my first story near the beginning of its life but they also reviewed "Ugly Stories for Beautiful People" in their very last issue. It was touch and go if it was going to appear, but thankfully it did - especially as it was a really positive and insightful review. It's s shame they're gone, but at least Dave is still promoting literature and yet again he's given me a chance to do something new.

Now, I wonder if this little appearance will have a positive impact on whether the BBC take my first radio-play, First Love, Last Love, when I submit it later this year....

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