Friday, 12 October 2018

Reading at "Worcester Speakeasy," Thursday 11th October

Well, had another good night at the Worcester Speakeasy last night, even if they did somehow manage to get both my real name and my pen-name misspelled on the flyer.  ;)

Still, who can quibble when they call you a "flash fiction master"?

Was a fairly low turnout compared to most evenings (maybe a dozen?) but there were some great performances.  I particularly enjoyed Heather Wastie and Mike Alma's readings from their book of WW1 inspired pieces, Voices of 1919.

I ended up performing "The Friend We Made" which was published at Bizarro Central last week and was happy that it seemed to come across quite well when read out loud (you never know, especially when reading "weird stuff", how things will get across, especially if people are unfamiliar with you and your work and don't know what to expect).

                                                          *                   *                   *

In other news, there are quite a few pieces coming out in print anthologies very soon.  The Trembling With Fear anthology should be out literally any day now, and that contains a flash piece, "The Last English Speaker."  Then Suspense Unimagined should be out nearer the end of the year, which contains the 5000 word short story "Shooting Stars."  And finally, talking to the editor of the Worcester Flash Fiction Prize last night, it seems I have at least one flash piece (and maybe more?) appearing in this year's Competition anthology Sacrifice, which will be published on 25th November.  I'll be reading something at the launch, which takes place at 3:30pm in The Swan With Two Nicks, 28 New Street, Worcester, UK.

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